A very big congratulation to our Stephen Gilligan, who was at Foyle Deaf Association’s graduation ceremony to receive his ISL Level 6 certificate from Tommy McAuley, of the Department of Communities.


He is a tutor for our Irish Sign Language Classes as well as the Live Sessions Online. Keep an eye out for our upcoming classes starting this August or September 2023!

Visit our sister’s site for upcoming classes at: https://www.irishdeaf.com/sign-language-classes/

Design a new logo for Irish Deaf.com.

1st Prize in association with IDC/17TVS – €300

WeTransfer your designs to info@irishdeaf.com.

We, at IDC, would like to announce to everyone in the Deaf/Hard of Hearing communities that we are now in the process of creating a new image for IDC. As a result of taking this step forward, we are now advertising a new logo design competition which represents the beliefs and values of IDC. Now is a good time to replace our logo which was last changed ten years ago to showcase our business identity with a clean, original brand that reflects our image.

Read more »

Captioned Telephone Service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

CaptionRelay will provide real-time captions for people, who have difficulty hearing conversations, using the telephone. The captions will allow users to have a telephone conversation at normal speed while reading what the other person is saying.

For more information, visit: https://captionrelay.co.uk/

As the restrictions lessen we would like to take the opportunity to further promote the fact that Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council offers SignVideo virtual interpretation for its customers. 

There are 2 ways you can avail of this service:

  1. when visiting our Civic Centres:

Sheskburn House, 7 Mary Street, Ballycastle BT54 6QH
Tel: 028 2076 2225

Riada House, 14 Charles Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6DZ
Tel: 028 2766 0200

Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY
Tel: 028 7034 7034

7 Connell Street, Limavady, BT49 OHA
Tel: 028 7772 2226

Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

  1. Alternatively you can dial in and speak to a Council officer in any of our facilities or venues by clicking on the logo below.  The service is easy to use, secure and free.


The Mid Ulster Council is piloting a service which will benefit customers who are deaf or are hard of hearing. This service will provide instant access to a Sign Language Interpreter for customers who use British Sign Language (BSL). The service also caters for Irish Sign Language (ISL) users on a request basis​.

The link can be accessed via the following webpage https://www.midulstercouncil.org/signvideo

The service currently gives you access to an online BSL interpreter at the following Council offices and leisure venues, Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm:


  • Cookstown Council Office
  • Cookstown Leisure Centre
  • Mid Ulster Sports Arena


  • Dungannon Council Office
  • Dungannon Leisure Centre


  • Magherafelt Council Office
  • Greenvale Leisure Centre