Belfast City Council Signs the BSL/ISL Charter

Belfast City Council has today become the first Northern Ireland council to sign up to the British/Irish Sign Language Charter, committing to promote better access to public services for Deaf communities. We are delighted that Belfast City Council has made the historic decision to sign three pledges of the BSL/ISL Charter – especially during Sign…

The Limping Chicken Deaf students often have a lot of difficulties at university UNAPEDA

I’m doing a PhD at UCL Institute of Education looking at how sign language interpreting support is provided to Deaf students studying at university, and the experiences of Deaf students and interpreters. The results I’m sharing here are the first part of my study. We all know Deaf students often have a lot of difficulties…

Deaf woman applies for 1,000 jobs in 18 months – and is rejected from them ALL

A deaf woman has applied for 1,000 jobs in 18 months – and not landed a single one. Kellie Wilson, from Middleton Tyas, North Yorkshire, believes she is being snubbed by would-be employers because of her disability. Every job application she has made since the summer of 2017 has resulted in a series of rejections….

Mustafa Alabssi’s incredible journey: Netflix debut the latest feat for deaf Syrian

Alabssi is deaf, and the character he played in the TV series, Black Summer, is deaf, too. Read this article on unapeda website,please click on Mustafa Alabssi’s incredible journey: Nexflix debut the latest feat for deaf Syrian refugee UNAPEDA UNAPEDA The French association of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children L’UNAPEDA est sur…

Sign language act: Should it be a ‘bigger priority’ than Irish language?

Every morning, County Antrim woman Wendy Newbronner’s first task is waking up her three children. Unlike most parents though, she cannot shout into their rooms and tell them to get up. All her sons are deaf. Mrs Newbronner had to pay to learn sign language after her first child was born, and now supports calls…